
White Faire Lily

White Faire Lily

Zephyranthes candida

This is a bulb with evergreen, rush-like foliage that forms a 1 foot tall and 2 feet wide clump. In the late summer and fall, white tubular flowers with six petals and yellow stamens, bloom on stems that are as tall as the foliage. Grow in sun or part shade in most any soil and water regularly or allow soil to dry slightly between irrigations to induce flowering. A very hardy plant that will die down and reportedly survive temperatures as low as 0 degrees F but is evergreen in milder climate areas with temperatures no colder than the high teens.

Uses: This versatile plant can be used in mass plantings, in rock gardens, as a container plant or partially submerged in the water garden.

Sun to Shade

Zone 8-11

Height 12″