
Gator Aloe or Partridge Breast Aloe

Gator Aloe or Partridge Breast Aloe

Aloe variegata

It’s difficult to choose which is more eye-catching with this Aloe – the unique white, uniformed markings or its triangular growth habit. Either way, it’s a must-have in your container or rock garden for years to come. It grows to around 12 inches tall, with 18 – 24 leaves arranged rosettes of three ranks; each leaf is 4 – 6 inches long and 1 – 2 1/2 inches wide. They are irregularly banded alternately dark green and whitish, with white toothed edges. The flowers are orange to redish pink, large flowers, hanging loosely on a simple inflorescence arranged in a raceme of around 8 – 12 inches in height. It’s flowers are produced in the winter with offsets being readily formed.

Uses: it’s a must-have in your container or rock garden

Full to Part Sun

Zone 9-11

Height 10-12″